Gift of Time released: june 2024
The Gift of Time DCNote (GOT) has in the background 80 hexagones each containing 365 or 366 smaller hexagones - those are the years of a human life - 80 being an average lifespan in many affluent countries.
The other symbols show our units of time - the columns of small circles represent 365 days in a year = 52 weeks.
The large circle of 60 dots on the right represents an hour with 60 minutes = our most commonly used time unit.
The large circle of 16 smaller circles on the left representa the 16 waking hours in each day, only half of those used for activity called "", during 5 days of each week.
That is it - an approximate extent of a human life. Look at it - each and every day you lived and will live is likely to be there... you might run on a few extra hexagons but then no more.

The GOT DCNote can be used as a gift, in the example shown - a gift of 20 minutes, designated by a unique id number at bottom right.
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